viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

Chuck Norris doesn't learn to speak Spanish. Spanish learns to speak Chuck Norris.

This morning (ok, afternoon) when I was cleaning up my breakfast Luis was watching a Chuck Norris movie dubbed in Spanish. It was a good note to start the day on.

I'm settling into Madrid now and it's so amazing. Today I went to the Reina Sofia, an art museum, and visited the Picasso exhibit. It was really incredible and I can't wait to go back and explore more of the museum, especially since the program will reimburse us 100% for all museum visits. I also had my first real night as a madrileña last night, leaving the house at midnight and staying out until 6 when the metro reopened (It closes from 1:30 to 6. It blows). If Spaniards know one thing, it's how to have a fantastic time.

On the academic side of things, classes start Monday, and being the gigantic nerd that I am, I'm really excited for them. Somehow I managed to place into level 2 out of 5 for my language class (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest), and I'll be in the same language class as Melanie, my roommate from Granada. We're both pumped to have made it to avanzado (level 2), because now we can take colloquial spanish, a really useful class with a fantastic professor. Aside from my language and colloquial classes (CEHs), which are with other foreign students, I'll also be taking classes with Spanish students. My full semester class (AL) is history of film, and my two half credit classes (CHs) are about social movements in Spain during the 20th century and Spanish nationalisms. Everything sounds so interesting, and aside from wanting to learn a whole lot, I'm ready to settle into a schedule and know what I'll be doing for the next 4 months.

Other random things:
1. We have a new group of monitores here in Madrid who go to the Carlos III too. They're our age and are also extremely cool.

2. Spaniards know a lot about American politics. This morning Pepita bought me a copy of The Economist with Barack Obama on the cover.

3. I love Pepita. Tonight we had a conversation about art while she was standing in her pantyhose. She doesn't like Picasso, but she likes Velazquez. I know Velazquez is famous, but have no idea what he's done. I'll have to look into this.

4. Tomorrow the program is going to visit Toledo, a town about an hour and a half away. We will be visiting a synagogue. Yes, you read that right. Toledo used to have Jews.

5. In Spain beans are called judías (Jews). I have a couple ideas why, and none of them are especially flattering.

6. Spain has a smarter way of running presidential campaigns. Campaign season is strictly regulated to run from January of February until the elections in early March. Before then, there is no campaigning allowed.

And finally, I love Madrid. Come visit me.

1 comentario:

Emily dijo...

oh my god rachel, chuck norris speaks spanish in ecuador too! the other day i was eating lunch in the kitchen, and the tv was on, and some trashy telenovela ended, and all of a sudden CHUCK NORRIS WAS JUMPING OUT OF A HELICOPTER BUSTING THESE DRUG TRAFFICERS! crazy.
ok, now i can go back and read the rest of your post!